Organize Your Files Week

Organize Your Files Week

April 16, 2021

It’s time to crack open your files, because this week is National Organize Your Files Week! Isn’t it frustrating and stressful looking for paperwork? Now you know why this is important to do this week. To help you battle this task, here are a few steps to make this experience stress-free and easy.

  1. Where are your files going to go? We suggest a filing cabinet or a designated space. Make sure there is space for your files to grow.
  2. It is important to categorize them: bills, bank statements, taxes, mortgage, debt, etc.
  3. Gather all the paperwork that needs to be filed. Begin sorting your files in the designated categories. If you don’t need it, make sure to recycle or shred it. No need to take up space.
  4. Once you have all your paperwork sorted, it is time to transfer them to the filing cabinet or designated space. Make a tab for each category. This will make it easy to grab next time you need them.

If you feel overwhelmed, take a small stack of paperwork at a time! Get some fun colored or patterned files to make it more appealing. Whatever gets you motivated!